03.09.2020 16:02
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AquaPro Expo exhibition and practical conference

AquaPro Expo exhibition and practical conference

On August 25, 2020, a practical conference "Aquaculture as a Successful Business: Applied Issues and Development Prospects" was held in Moscow within the framework of the International exhibition of equipment and technologies for the production, breeding and processing of fish and sea AquaPro Expo exhibition and the conference "Aquaculture as a Successful Business: Applied Issues and Development Prospects" were organized by the Eurasian Aquaculture Alliance with international exhibition company PrimEvents and Skolkovo Foundation. More than 2,000 specialists showed interest in this exhibition and conference.

The conference was attended by international and Russian experts - representatives of FAO, regional executive authorities, sectoral scientific institutes, scientists and teachers of sectoral educational institutions, fish farm specialists, companies producing specialized equipment, feed and planting material for commercial fish farming.

 The key event of the conference was the plenary session "Programs and strategies for the development of the fisheries industry until 2030. Global challenges and solutions."

As a result of the conference, a resolution was drawn up, which was sent to the Presidents of the EAEU member States for the first time, namely, V. V. Putin, A. G. Lukashenko, A.V. Sarkisyan, K. K. Tokayev, S. S. Jeenbekov, as well as Qu Dongyu, Director General of the UN FAO, and M. V. Myasnikovich, Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian economic Commission, to use solutions for the development of the fisheries sector.

Following the results of the conference, the participants proposed the following solutions for the development of aquaculture:
      1. On the basis of the Eurasian Aquaculture Alliance, organize a system of cooperation and effective development of aquaculture in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as develop a program to achieve the production of fish products up to 4 300 thousand tons by 2030;
      2. Ensure the implementation of the main integration project "Organization of production for the cultivation and processing of salmon and sturgeon fish in order to meet the needs of the Eurasian Economic Union market and the development of export potential (Eurasian cluster for the development of aquaculture" Eurasiafish ")" with a capacity of over 1200 thousand tons per year;

3. Create a Eurasian Investment Fund to finance aquaculture projects for 2 billion euros;
      4. Harmonize legislation for entering the global market of the European Union in accordance with international standards recommended by the UN FAO and Best Aquaculture Practices;
      5. Support FAO's Blue Growth Initiative;
      6. Introduce an ecosystem approach in the implementation of fisheries projects in accordance with the FAO recommendations;
      7. Contribute to the creation of a civilized market for aquaculture products. Introduce mandatory control over compliance with international parameters for the environmental safety of raw materials and aquaculture products, basic international standards (ISO, GLOBALG.A.P, Friend of the Sea, Code of Good Practice, etc.);
      8. Prioritize the development of organic aquaculture, using natural feed, modern technologies for growing in cages;
      9. Promote the implementation of the Code of Responsible Fisheries;
      10. Compile a list of qualified suppliers of equipment, fish seed and feed for fish farms;
      11. Optimize environmental requirements and approval mechanisms when organizing new and modernizing existing farms. Conduct initial approvals on the principle of "one window", maximize the concentration of control and supervisory functions within the executive authority that regulates aquaculture. Introduce regulatory changes;
      12. Replace auctions for fish breeding plots with auctions for investment sites, which should include a water area, a land plot, infrastructure elements or the state's obligation to build it, preferences and other state support.
      13. Revise the mechanism for calculating the standards for the withdrawal of grown objects. Introduce real control over the contractual conditions for the use of fish breeding grounds. Create regional interdepartmental control commissions.
      14. Supplement the programs for the Development of the Fisheries Industry with the following measures:
      A. Development of shellfish aquaculture:
      - ensuring the cultivation and processing of large volumes of mussels to replace the import of boiled-frozen semi-finished products from Asia and South America;
      - the use of mussels for technical purposes, including in agriculture, pharmaceutical and chemical industries;
      - creation of nurseries for the cultivation of planting material for the Black Sea oyster, breeding, registration and promotion of the Black Sea Oyster brand in the domestic and world markets.
      B. Development of other aquaculture facilities:

- providing targeted assistance in organizing new and / or optimal aquaculture facilities for the region. Introduction of time limits for state support;
      - the introduction of a list of new aquaculture facilities that are in demand in the interests of the state, food security or having an export potential, for commercial cultivation of which special measures of state support are provided.
      15. Develop programs to support the export of aquaculture products. In accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, ensure the effective export of salmon, whitefish, sturgeon fish up to 9 billion USD per year by 2025;
      16. Introduce an international aquaculture insurance system to attract investment;
      17. Revise measures of grant support for small businesses with an increase in funding for agro-startups in the field of aquaculture;
      18. Ensure control over the implementation of the program of concessional lending to agricultural producers in order to prevent unjustified refusals in lending by banks;
      19. Prescribe the procedure for granting subsidies for the purchase of equipment for fish farms and provide for subsidizing costs for the independent construction of installations
      20. Encourage investment in the construction of modern world-class recirculating water supply systems using global technologies;
      21. Promote the introduction of new technologies in aquaculture;
      22. To achieve the best cost of marketable fish due to modern technologies and concessional financing;
      23. To develop cooperation, enter the supply program, provide the population with high-quality fish products with delivery to the consumer;
      24. Develop and implement a system for the production of aquaculture products, taking into account the individual characteristics and medical indications of each person through deep processing of products;
      25. Create the Academy of Fisheries and Aquaculture of Eurasia and Africa on the basis of the Eurasian Aquaculture Alliance.

Ньюсмейкер: Евразийский аквакультурный альянс — 5 публикаций
Сайт: www.eurasianalliance.org


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